Miriade - ViSiON Provided by IMCCE/OBSPM/CNRS
EpochEpoch of observation NumberSso official number NameSso name or designation VMagSso visual magnitude DiameterApparent diameter DurationDuration of visibility window ElevationMaximum elevation AzimuthAzimuth at maximum elevation RAApparent right ascension DECApparent declination AppMotionSso apparent motion gLongApparent galactic longitude gLatApparent galactic latitude DgDistance of the Sso from the observer DhDistance of the Sso from the Sun PhaseAnglePhase angle SunElongSun elongation MoonElongMoon elongation LinkToMiriadeLink to detailed ephemerides with VO Miriade LinkToVizieRLink to object details at CDS VizieR LinkToAladinLink to a sky view with Aladin VisibilityFigureLink to the visibility figures SkyFigureLink to the sky figures
arcsec h:m deg deg h:m:s d:m:s arcsec/h deg deg AU AU deg deg deg
2016-05-31 Moon -8.11 1991 12:49 41 49 1:20:24 5:55: 9 1611 316 -55 0.00 1.01 129.5 50.4 0.0 LinkToMiriade - LinkToAladin VisibilityFigure SkyFigure
2016-05-31 67P 18.48 1.68 04:10 50 0 11:20:12 10:10: 1 23 248 62 2.84 3.11 18.9 96.2 153.8 LinkToMiriade LinkToVizieR LinkToAladin VisibilityFigure SkyFigure
2016-05-31 SMC 0.00 0.00 08:30 46 179 13:08:59 -72:48: 0 0 304 -10 1.00 1.00 0.0 121.8 111.1 - - LinkToAladin VisibilityFigure SkyFigure
2016-05-31 Mars -1.99 18.57 08:49 82 6 15:42:13 -21:21:23 54 348 25 0.50 1.51 8.5 167.2 137.9 LinkToMiriade - LinkToAladin VisibilityFigure SkyFigure
2016-05-31 HIP87937 9.54 0.00 06:50 55 359 17:57:47 4:44:25 0 391 13 1.00 1.00 0.0 146.8 107.5 - LinkToVizieR LinkToAladin VisibilityFigure SkyFigure
2016-05-31 (107) Camilla 13.09 0.10 07:09 69 358 19:57:24 -9:06:42 9 392 -19 2.97 3.71 12.0 130.5 80.4 LinkToMiriade LinkToVizieR LinkToAladin VisibilityFigure SkyFigure
