These Web forms are deprecated, please use the VO-SSP portal forms
The Virtual Observatory Sky Body Tracker
Query form
This Web form is a user interface to the VO-compliant Web service SkyBoT.
Fill in the form of your choice and submit the query. Read the documentation
if you mind how to do, or just fly over the labels of the input fields to get a quick help.
Use this form if you want to know which solar system objects are located in a field of view (FOV)
of given coordinates and radius at a given epoch. After filling the form, submit the query by clicking on the 'Search Objects' button.
If you enter the name of a target in the 'Target' field and press the 'Resolve target' button then it will just resolve its name
into its coordinates. Press the 'Search Objects' button to directly post the query. You might have to wait a while before you get
a response if your radius is rather large (greater than few degrees).
Resolver Query Form
Use this form if you want to resolve the name of a solar system object into its
J2000 astrometric geocentric or topocentric coordinates on the equatorial celestial sphere at a given epoch.
After filling the form, submit the query by clicking on the 'Resolve Target' button.
Get asteroid class
Use this form if you want to know the (dynamical) class of one or more asteroids.
Use this form if you want to know the actual status of the database, or if you want to know if a given epoch is covered by a period of time in SkyBoT.