These VO-Tools are deprecated, please use the VO-SSP portal
IMCCE's VO-Tools Corner
ssoEphemerisCalculator is an Aladin plugin. It allows the computation of the celestial coordinates
and the apparent physical aspect of the solar system objects (SSO). The results are displayed in
Aladin as marks in a dedicated stack which show the position of the SSO on the celestial sphere
(positional ephemeris) or as a FITS image which show the simulated aspect of the SSO as seen from
the observer.
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Aladin plugins
WebSampConnector (deprecated)
The WebSampConnector is a client toolkit that enables Web page based astronomy service to
interoperate and communicate with VO softwares (no more save and load or cut and paste into
the VO world!).
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Web site
VOPDC-SDK (deprecated)
The VOPDC-SDK package contains implementations of the IVOA VOEvent 1.1 and VOTable 1.x scheme in PHP.
A partial implementation of the RSS 2.0 schema is also provided.
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Online documentation